This series of Blogs deals with different aspects of the HEART, the MIND, the BODY, the SOUL and the SPIRIT. These are words we use all the while, but few of us truly understand what a soul or a spirit is, and think that a heart is the beating organ inside their bodies. The heart is that which communicates who we are to the outside world, the mind is that which is the medium between the spirit world and ourselves, the body, naturally, is the vessel we have acquired for this life, the soul is the link between a person’s physical body and their spiritual self. The ancients thought that the soul was the battleground between good and evil. The soul is the spiritual nature of men and women. It is the essence of humankind and is different from the brain, the organ enabling a person’s faculty for thinking, reasoning and gaining and applying knowledge. The spirit is the essence of the person, that which gives meaning to their lives, which helps them communicate their emotions, hopes, desires.
