Personal Training


A lot of personal trainers are guilty of projecting their own ideals and values onto their clients, but this is YOUR experience and so your unique and individual programme can be selected by you from one of the many I have on offer. After your initial consultation, either by email, or for those with medical issues and concerns, an initial over-the-phone service is offered to assist you with the best possible, and safest, choices.

Wondering where to start?

Wondering where to start?

2. Be accountable

As a Personal trainer my mission is to encourage and excite you to be enthusiastic and accountable in regards to your whole health, firstly in regards to your exercise and then your diet. That doesn't mean you have to eat steamed broccoli and rice for every meal. Everyone has a guilty pleasure or two (I'm a sucker for Twisties) and sharing little details like this with my clients helps you to understand that NONE OF US IS PERFECT and the occasional indulgence won't hurt you as long as you make healthy decisions most of the time.
Remember your kilojoule intake must be less than your expenditure.

3. WE must Walk the Talk….."together".

If a mother tried to convince her children to stop eating so much sugar with a can of Coca-Cola in her hand, or greasy take away, how effective do you think she would be? Not very.
I would not expect people to take me very seriously if I didn't follow my own advice or live the lifestyle in which I am teaching you. I'm not saying you have to be perfect either, but you will achieve your goals and dreams if we both walk the walk. Nor am I one of these crazed fanatics. Like I said earlier, so long as you have a good healthy diet and exercise, there’s NOTHING wrong with eating some divine snack food. I do. And yes…I feel a bit guilty, but the following day, I exercise and I know that I’ve just rid myself of my guilty pleasure.

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4. Ask Questions, always!

I do not lecture my clients. EVER. If you've ever attended a boring college lecture, you know your students won't retain much information from a dry, lengthy, bossy lecture. Instead, I've learnt to allow YOU to do the talking. Force always creates resistance, along with feelings of resentment. I like to keep in touch with my clients and encourage communication and questions. I allow you to share anything that may be blocking your progress, whether it’s physically, emotionally or mentally. This helps me offer all of my services and determine the triggers and reasons as to why you may not be achieving your physical goals. Every part of us is connected, as I've mentioned before, I offer you "a whole body spirit mind enhancing experience". One part of our being does not exist without the other. Everything must be in balance with the other, in open flow.

5. We Educate each other.

"If I give away too much advice, my clients might decide they don't need me anymore!" Sound familiar?
A personal trainer is not just a well of fitness knowledge, but we’re also motivators. Many of my clients over the years have been other trainers, competitive sports people who know their bodies really well. However, they are seeking to stay on top of their game, and many just want to leave the regiment to another, to park their brain somewhere else. That’s what my athlete clients often do; they let me and my programmes do the thinking, the walking and the critiquing.

Every individuals feedback after a session or after one of my programmes allows me to learn from YOU! With a flow of openness and allowing, with zero ego on my part, we both manage to keep our connection authentic and heart-felt for the highest good. A beautiful exchange of respect and gratitude always delivers abundance and quicker results. The universe wants you to be the best you can be, so if we allow mutual admiration with zero judgements we are halfway there.

Of course, I can explain things like anatomy, proper form and exercise selection as you advance in your programmes, but it is you that provides the feedback that is so vital to establishing and executing your goals and dreams.


6. Easy to Understand, let’s speak the same language.

It's absolutely vital to communicate with you in a language you understand. I can point out the latissimus dorsi on a diagram of the human body but the average person can't even pronounce it. So in my exercise videos I call them "lats" and I make sure you understand that they are the broadest muscle group on your back and should be activated during exercises like rows and chin-ups. This stands for all parts of your body.This is not my show, it’s yours. I desire to simplify not just my Training videos for you but your whole total body experience. Training time should be simple, stress-free, enjoyable and fun.

7. I Will Give You Homework

Nobody lives at the gym. Your life can't revolve around fitness because you lead a full life, and you’re juggling a lot of responsibilities. It's hard to find the time to prepare healthy meals when you're a single parent or a busy professional. But, it can be done. Think ahead, cook in batches, freeze or just eat simpler cleaner food.
I understand this struggle better than anyone, as a solo mother of four, but we really are what we eat.
I know first hand that a little bit of exercise can't make up for a lot of poor eating decisions.
The 80/20 rule is what I recommend, 80 percent healthy wholesome low fat food, and 20 percent is given to your weekend indulgence.
I cannot stress enough that you can earn some "extra credit" by adding incidental exercise between your training sessions, such as walking the dog, swimming, surfing, roller skating, climbing. Learn to love being active. Grab some friends, join a club and just get going!
It’s a lifestyle adoption that will allow you to achieve your goals more quickly.

I look forward to connecting with you and starting your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.
You have a moral obligation to respect and honour the body your spirit chose for you. You have a responsibility to those who love you to be healthy and happy. Don’t be dissuaded by how long you think the journey may be to get to where you want to be.. just take one day at a time and keep moving forward. Chairman Mao said that a journey of 1000 leagues begins with one small step. Let your first step be to go out for a walk. Just around the block. Because once you start, the second, and third and every other step will be so much easier. Plant the seeds, keep your eye on your goals and allow me to assist you to get there.

Love & light