Brigitte Bardot

Brigitte Bardot

Claudia Cardinale

Claudia Cardinale

Rita Hayworth

Rita Hayworth

Natalie Wood

Natalie Wood

Our Very Different Book Club


Great writers have given the world amazing female characters; one only has to think of Madam Bouverie, Anna Karenina, Becky Sharp, Hester Prynne, Jane Eyre, Elizabeth Bennett and the many others, created by men and women authors, to understand the central importance of women to literature.

In much of the world’s great literature, a woman is the wise and feisty epicentre of reason, the centre of attention, the source of inspiration, the object of desire, and the medium through which the weaknesses of male characters is defined and often corrected.

A heroine in literature, as well as in life, must be all-sufficient, fascinating, intelligent, patient, purposeful, have a great sense of humour as well as grace and wisdom. 

So imagine if we could bring together the fabulous and exciting world of fiction and marry it up with today's world of real life heroines, in order to bring you a new and exciting concept of reality meeting fictional entertainment!!
Picture the scene; the stunningly beautiful, sophisticated Mattie looking at the camera, and telling her amazing story to you .... She’s just invited her adulterous husband’s office manager to lunch….

“How long have you worked for Marcus?” asked Mattie, as innocently as possible.

Adele thought for a minute, and said, “Just a tad under ten years. Yes, next month will be ten years to the day.” She smiled.

“And he’s throwing you a party?”

Adele laughed. “No, he’s not that sort of man. We have a wonderful working relationship. That’s all.”

“And your income? Keeping pace with inflation?”

Now Adele frowned, and said warily, “I earn good money, thank you Mrs. Hemmingway.”

“And Franca? Appointed over your head. Does nothing in the office except bully the junior staff. Earns what you’re earning, but also has a free apartment, a car, a credit card where she can purchase whatever she wants. That’s ok with you?”

Adele just looked at her, her face emotionless, almost steely.

“And what about Veronica in the UK? Just sitting in her apartment in Mayfair, and you, I suppose, have to approve company checks to pay her for being Marcus’ mistress when he flies to England. Did you also approve the payments to that wannabe actress in LA Marcus has been entertaining? What’s her name? Clarissa? And what about…..”

“Look, Mrs. Hemmingway, what Marcus does with his….”

“But surely you must have been upset at the company funding Franca? He hasn’t even pretended that she knows anything about property development, yet by my estimate, what with the downtown condo and the expense account, she must be pulling in nearly a quarter of a million a year, just to sleep with Marcus.”

Now Adele was angry. Just as Mattie had hoped. “Mrs. Hemmingway. These things are not open for discussion between us. I’m your husband’s Office Manager. I’m his right hand. I don’t know about these things, and if I did, I certainly wouldn’t discuss them with you. The subject is closed, Mrs. Hemmingway. If you continue to talk about it, I’ll leave, and I’m going to be forced to tell your husband. I’m sorry.”

Mattie smiled, and nodded. “Great. Loyal to the end. Just as I’d hoped and prayed. You’re an amazing woman, Adele. The shit you’ve had to put up with silently all these years. The crap you’ve had to swallow over the past decade. The disempowerment when you’ve seen nonentities elevated to equal your hard-earned station, just because they’ve got great tits and long legs, with not a skerrick of talent in their brains. And you’ve just sat there and taken every insult he’s thrown at you. Yep! You’re an amazing woman, Adele. I just wish you and I had been a team ten years ago, just like you became a team with Marcus. Imagine what we could have done together!”

     - scene from Model Redress

So I invite you to join me in my world and that of the EGG girls, a entirely new world set in Manhattan, Tehran, the Cayman Islands, Paris, Dublin, London and other exotic places, where you get to watch my books’ characters come to life before your very eyes. A place where you can hear their voices and get to know them in a much more personal fashion.
It doesn't get much better than that, unless of course you’re lucky enough to dream about them all! 

Stay tuned for an announcement about this fabulous new and innovative "BOOK CLUB" section within my website coming very soon..

Love & Light 




Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren

Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh in ‘Gone with the Wind’

Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh in ‘Gone with the Wind’


Jane Austen

George Eliot

George Eliot