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Being a writer is definitely a labour of love. But the personal rewards are overwhelming.

 WHENEVER I give a speech, I can guarantee that many people in the audience will seek me out afterwards, and ask my advice about getting their story published. Some have written about their lives or the life of somebody they’re close to; others will want to bring a novel they’re written into being; still others have lived through some trauma or event, and want to offer their advice and insights about how they survived and prospered. 

So I’ve written this page especially for YOU….the aspiring hopeful writer

who just wants to see their precious book become a real live thing.

Being a writer is definitely not for the faint hearted; it involves long hours hidden away from the world, all by yourself with no one who truly understands the effort and energy it takes to write down your thoughts and ideas and create a published book.

Let me explain just how difficult the process is to get your pride and joy published by a publishing house when you’re a beginning author. That's if you haven't already lived this exhausting and disheartening experience and had your precious manuscript rejected by publishers. Now, please don't be insulted when I tell you that the major publishers will treat a beginning writer like a nobody. The first thing I had to understand when I embarked on my journey to getting published was that my ego had to be left at the front door.


There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Maya Angelou.

“Two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” ~ Stephen King


I knew from a very young age that I wanted to be a writer, making that promise to my father that I most certainly would achieve that goal.
Of course like most of us we’re diverted into something else along the way, but the desire remains strong.

For years due to circumstances out of my control - it was my mother’s death when I was sixteen which cut short my education - I chose other easier paths, that of a model, an interior designer, later a mother - thinking that following a writing career would be too difficult.

The irony is that when my life went from one of marital bliss and wealth to total destruction and destitution I decided to become that writer I said I would be. I choose to take stock at the most difficult time in my life and just go for it.

Of course my belief was things couldn't get any worse, I had already lost my marriage, my home, all my possessions in a house fire, my children and I were on the streets and if there was ever a time to channel my pain and passion into a book, it was now.

As I have mentioned in one of my blogs, some of an artist’s best works blossom during or after our most vulnerable and heartbreaking times in life. Writers are artists, and we live, breathe. eat and sleep our art.


There’s nothing like holding in your hands, a copy of the just-published book you’ve written.


Being this passionate about what we do means that when it comes time to submit our finished work to publishing houses to read and decide if we are worthy of consideration, it is fraught with anxiety and fear. Also if you’re flying solo with no literary agent to represent you, it’s even more nerve wracking. If you are a novice writer, there is so much to understand and learn in terms of not only the writing itself, but the whole process, the jargon, the protocols, the unwritten rules and regulations, the who’s who in mainstream publishing, and the hierarchy of the publishers. Most of them are like feudal kingdoms….say the wrong thing at the wrong time, and they’ll slam the doors shut. When I look back now I cannot believe how green I was at the beginning, but then in my defence you only know what you know.

Looking back on my experience of trying to get a publisher to acknowledge, read and approve my books, was tiresome, disheartening, turbulent and if I had allowed it to be, soul destroying.

Even supported by my mentors in the business that I had had for more than a decade, the referrals, recommendations, my own door knocking, my studies in Creative Writing and large social media followings due to my brand, my travelling and guest speaking and living in America, I could not cop a break with getting even one of my books onto a shelf. Yet hundreds of people - friends and followers - who read extracts said that my work was really good. So why didn’t the publishers see my books for what they were?

Often, it’s not the quality of the book which causes its rejection; the reader in the publishing house may not like the subject matter, or the publisher may recently have published a similar book, or they’ve received too many manuscripts for that month, or you need an agent to submit your book for you… many reasons for rejection… few reasons for acceptance.


A good writer seduces the reader and together they go into another dimension where time no longer exists, and the book’s pages become their new home.


I knew my books were worthy of huge success; I just had to work out how to get them out there into the public eye and into the book shops. If Fifty Shades could get there, then my books, written to undo the damage, would get there also, on their own wing and a prayer.

So I did what any determined passionate women would do, I began to learn everything single thing there was to know about the world of publishing. I left no stone unturned.

As far as I was concerned, if the publishing houses weren't going to come to me, then I would by-pass them altogether and create my own Publishing house. I would gather my flock of like-minded souls, those high up in their field of expertise, to work alongside me to create the best new style of publishing house the world has ever seen.

And so here we are, EGG HOUSE PUBLISHING. your soft place to land. The place where your precious book gets nurtured and fed until it grows wings to fly.



This is no ordinary publishing house; EGG HOUSE PUBLISHING is very different from the massive, cold, imperious publishers; our very foundation comes from empathy and understanding, authenticity, love and light.

The way you do anything is the way you do everything. Its an honour to read someone's labour of love, and it deserves to be treated with respect and consideration. The world has lost much of its old fashioned ways, its personal attention to detail and open communication.


With our travel bans, restrictions and isolation all due to COVID, the time has never been better to publish that book you have sitting in your desk drawer, growing old and dusty.

People are searching for new and inspiring works of fiction and non-fiction to escape their daily lives. We may not be able to fly, or to fly very far, but we can fly away in their minds.


Books are what keep our fires burning, our souls and hearts warm. Yes, tablets and Kindles have their place in society but they cannot make up for the feeling that comes from pulling a book out from your bag and holding it in your hands and connecting with the writer through organic and not electronic means. The vibration of a computer or ipad is completely different to the smell and feel of a book made of paper. Paper comes from a tree, which was once alive and strong and thrusting its way into the sky. It has a different energy about it, both in terms of magnetic field and spiritually. A book made from paper is natural, and less controlling in terms of its behaviour and demands to be powered up.

So now that you have manifested your way into my space and are curious as to whether or not your work of art has what it takes to find its way into print - or better still, become a best-seller - what have you got to lose?

I am offering you the opportunity to submit your finished work to EGG HOUSE PUBLISHING where it will be read by myself and a professional experienced editor. Our position is totally different from that of the major publishers. They start their days with dozens of manuscripts, and choose what to reject. We start our day, working out how your book can be improved and brought into being with brilliant artwork, editing, and marketing.

If we find that your book has potential but is in need of structural changes, or improved spelling or grammar, then we will work with you to get it to where it needs to be in order to be publishable. 

Our charges are considerably less than printers and art studios charge, and you have the advantage of having an experienced author with a track record in publications, who’ll shepherd your book through all the complications….and believe me, for the inexperienced, there are many complications. 

We charge $US1,350 per month for a maximum of four months. For this, we take the manuscript through from your words, to our edit which you approve, to necessary legals, to artwork – 3 variants for your approval – and finally to print. 

We deliver 20 copies of your printed book to your home, or if you want to distribute into bookshops, then for an additional printing fee, we’ll print up to 10,000 copies for distribution into bookshops, if the book will succeed in the crowded world of bookshops.  

If that happens, then once the bookshop has taken its margin, the profits from the book will be yours to keep. But perhaps you just want a few copies to give to friends and relatives; that’s no problem. 

Either way, write to me by clicking the ‘Contact’ button, and we’ll take it from there.

Don’t give up on your dream of being a published author. Of course, it’s not an easy road, and most first time authors experience a lot of rejections on the way; that’s why EGG is here for you. We want YOU to feel the joy that comes from walking into your corner bookshop and holding your dream in your hands.

Don’t give up on your dream of being a published author. Of course, it’s not an easy road, and most first time authors experience a lot of rejections on the way; that’s why EGG is here for you. We want YOU to feel the joy that comes from walking into your corner bookshop and holding your dream in your hands.