
I urge you to carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward; then you will be safe in the knowledge that one day someone will do the same for you.

- Princess Diana

Today’s world doesn’t teach anyone to be kind.

It’s basically every man for himself. First to grab a seat, first to get to the toilet, first to blame someone else, last to offer assistance, last to go help someone struggling....

As adults many of us have lost our old fashioned values and integrity. Our modern day system even throws our kids to the wolves, and if they do survive, they too may turn out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing by the time they’re adults. We have a huge responsibility as parents to lead by example and teach our children the importance of passing on kindness to the world.


The most important years in a child's development are from birth to age five. Children's experiences and relationships that are formed during these years determine how their brain develops.

By the time they reach age five, 90% of a child's brain is already developed.
Teaching them the fundamental basics of love, compassion and kindness is crucial at this age.

When a person reaches adulthood, they’ve already formed their own blueprint of what is right and wrong, cruel or kind.
It is so much harder to develop kindness later in life. If you have never been shown it or given kindness, or worst of all, if you have been abused, you may become a people pleaser to get kindness or you may become nasty to keep the pain away, because nastiness is familiar and safe; it’s your idea of normal, and all you've ever known.
Or you may try to buy kindness, but we all know money can't buy that. If you think you can buy happiness, it’s an illusion and as fake as the energy behind your money.


So what can you do?..

We only have one childhood in our lives, and so much depends on your parents’ understanding of love and nurture. Tragically, there are no refunds for crappy parents or an abusive or difficult childhood. You can’t just grab a box of ‘great upbringing’ off the shelf and even if you could, you would neither have the money nor the awareness to buy it when you need it the most. Because what 3-year-old can ask her parents for the money to go out and purchase….well… and better parents?

Think about this...

Firstly your here, you've arrived, WELL DONE YOU! you made it here and are living your human experience on earth, and that's your first blessing. You managed to manifest your passage from the stars at the right time and place.

How do you know that? Well it’s because, in order, to arrive here, you had to "choose" to come here AND you also choose your parents.

That's right, you choose your parents long before you even arrive on Planet Earth.
Your father is merely the seed and your mother the vessel. That is all they are. They owe you nothing at all. If you happen to receive love and care and a lavish childhood, good for you, but it doesn't make you any better than a less privileged child. Neither does it mean you will be more lucky or more happier than a less privileged child. In fact we all know that poverty or pain can create the most extraordinary and successful people later in life.
What's beautiful about this realisation of self is that it shows you your moral and ethical obligation and responsibility to "yourself".
It takes away all expectations, disappointments, demands, neglects, shortcomings, failings and deficits from your thoughts regarding your parents.


No family is perfect and we must drop the victim story in order to live a full life NOW.

My own family was not the norm, with a polygamous mother, a wanderer father, step-sisters from different lovers, constant moving, and a house full of theatrical souls, musical artists, painters, travellers and dancers. To an outside observer, my home was more like “Moulin Rouge meets the Wild West” than a normal suburban home. But for me as a child growing up in such an exceptional environment, there seemed to be no stability other than my relationship with my father. Yet there was kindness around me even if it was in a crazy unusual neglectful way.
I hit the jackpot in that sense. With so many unusual characters dropping in and my mothers flamboyant personality, I had the most eclectic cotton-candy-sunshine-rainbow-gun-slinging upbringing you can imagine. My parents certainly weren't perfect, but the childhood I remember was as close to perfect as it could have been. I chose gratitude and optimism, intrigue, excitement and understanding. I learnt so much from my parent’s weirdness, craziness, failings and misgivings regarding raising me as perfect for ME. I accepted it warts and all.

I learnt to equip myself with all the right tools I would need in adulthood. Optimism, determination, care, love, and discipline. Frugality, joy, gratitude, self-awareness, work ethic and responsibility.

By the time my mother died suddenly at 46 and my father left, I was only 16, but I had everything I ever needed to feel loved inside and love others.
The beliefs I held regarding my parents and myself allowed me to live a good life, despite the traumas in my marriage and despite my financial sufferings due to my former husband’s mental abuse and philandering.
My choice of feeling kind and then being kind to others lessened my life’s struggles. Yes, I was financially responsible for myself at 16, but I was healthy and had realistic career expectations for that time. My time for further education would come later, I accepted my chosen path with grace.
Everything fell into place, of course, and I did go to university in my later years, and in much more challenging financial circumstances and with four children!

All of us have hurdles and no one is immune to problems, but how we conduct ourselves towards others during our stressful or angry times is extremely important.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you... The "Golden Rule" of almost every ancient faith….the ethic of reciprocity.

Words can hurt, because once you’ve said them, words cannot be taken back.

Practice taking some deep breaths before responding to a heated situation with another, or step back and practise the art of allowing, meaning floating in your own bubble.

Kindness is a muscle that can be strengthened with practice, so even if you don’t consider yourself a naturally “kind person,” there are things you can do to become nicer toward others.


Kindness is the state of caring about other people’s well-being and taking action to help make other people’s lives better and happier.

Without a healthy sense and appreciation for kindness we cannot have successful relationships with others or even our own self.
The way we act towards others has an energetic response on our own auric field. If it is negative and mean then we too will suffer in life. You may not even be aware of this, but mark my word, energy always comes back and sometimes tenfold.

Its really much more pleasant and effortless to be kind. The universe resonds to the vibration of love in a much bigger way than nastiness.

528 Hz – the powerful sound of Love restores human consciousness & brings more harmony and balance in your life. It also helps to create self-love and can end the problems of illness, hatred, jealousy in the world and it is recommended for good and sound/deep sleep.

The Beatles song "Imagine" was written especially in that vibration. You can just feel the love oozing out of the song and into your heart centre.
I remember my horse and buggy trip in Central Park New York a few years back. When we reached the "Strawberry Fields" section of the park in memory of John Lennon and The Beatles, everyone was standing around singing the song Imagine, with a busker playing a guitar. It was so moving, so inspiring, the energy was electric and one could not help shedding a tear...



Song by John Lennon.

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one


When someone does something loving and kind for us, we soften and we like them more, we want to cooperate with them more, We feel their vibration and reciprocate. It becomes addictive as we feed off each other's beautiful energy.

I spent my 50th Birthday at the Plaza Hotel in New York….it was on my bucket list.

When someone does something loving and kind for us, we soften and we like them more, we want to cooperate with them more, we feel their vibration and reciprocate. It becomes addictive as we feed off each other's beautiful energy.

When we do something kind for someone, we also earn their trust and respect, and we feel better about ourselves for being a good person.

Kindness is a reciprocal relationship. It becomes a cycle that strengthens our bond with friends, family, lovers, coworkers, and acquaintances.

The practice of kindness becomes a whole lifestyle! The way you do anything is the way you do everything! So make it kind!

Every thought and action you do fires neurons in your brain. The more these neural pathways are fired, the easier it becomes to activate them. So the more we repeat acts of kindness, the easier it is to do them in the future.

It really isn't difficult to be a warm, caring beautiful soul. Instead of asking what's in it for me, think of the joy you will receive back from making someone's day.
There is nothing more beautiful in this world than a kind person.

Love & Light



