Many years ago, when I was no longer getting as much work as I once did as a model, I began to understand the harsh reality of the ageing process. When models, and this also applies to many actresses, reach a certain age…it could be as young as 25…work often begins to dry up. It hurt! In my mind, I was still young and hadn’t lost my looks, but photographers and advertisers preferred a schoolgirl to a woman in her mid 30’s. I wasn’t the only model who was being passed up. Many of the regulars who had walked the catwalk with me or with whom I’d been in fashion shoots in exotic location, were no longer around.

And it wasn’t just the photographers or advertisers who were the sources of these women’s problems. It also applied to their husbands, lovers, and partners. That was the cruellest thing of all for these women. When the partners of these fabulous women left them behind as the men climbed the corporate ladder and sought sex with younger girls, these beautiful women felt they’d been kicked to the gutter or left on the shelf. As their relationships collapsed, their partners would look elsewhere; that was when adulteries and often the associated domestic violence would start to happen.


Photographic modelling is an exciting profession, but when a model reaches a certain age, the phones stop ringing, and for no fault of hers, work dries up fairly quickly.

The more I listened to their stories over cups of coffee around kitchen tables, the more I realised that I should write a book about the rise…fall….and humiliation of so many former fashion models. It had to be fiction, of course, and as I became creative, I thought there there were so many stories, it should become a series of books, or even a TV series. It all came about because the common question among these women was what they could do with their lives, now that the fashion magazines no longer wanted to feature them, and now that their partners treated them as worn-out handbags.

Welcome to the fabulous world of amazing women in my EGG Series of novels. These are gripping books about ex-international fashion models, who have become empowered women taking the world by storm, because the world they worked in now rejects them. The EGG series is five erotic/romance/thriller novels, which I’m currently adapting to be made into a cable TV series in the States. My five books feature some of the most interesting, cutting-edge, gripping and amazing female characters you’ll ever read about. Yes, they’re all fiction, but based on real women I’ve worked with during my time as an international model. And the plots are all about passions of mine - international politics, history and a huge serving of erotic sex and raucous humour.


It’s amazing what EGGs hatch out of the pages of my books.

The EGG - Empowered Girls Group - corporation is based in America, but soon becomes international. Each of the books features a different model/business executive, her story and her adventures. The book takes you to America, Iran, France, Ireland, the United Kingdom…..and even into Buckingham Palace for afternoon tea with the Queen of England.

And here’s the truly amazing thing about these books. Each of the central characters will come alive in this website. Yes, I’ve asked model and actress friends to take on the role of the leading character in a video, and talk you through the book. It’ll be a short movie from the novel.

So, meet……


MATTIE - The heroine of Model Redress is tall, beautiful, and the mother of two gorgeous kids. As she’ll tell you, she was the victim of her husband’s cruelty until she couldn’t take it any more. Mattie created EGG, and asked her friends to join her. In this first book of the series, Mattie explores her repressed sexuality, and schemes to take her husband’s business from him, teaching him a lesson he’ll never forget


RANI - The heroine of Model Magenta, is a raven-haired beauty from Iran. Brutalised by a cruel General when she was a little girl, she uses her new power and wealth to go back and wreak revenge on him, while at the same time saving her father’s life. In her story to bring down the General, she unexpectedly unveils a plot by a militant Islamist group to explode a nuclear armed briefcase bomb in the middle of a major American city.


ANNABELLE - The heroine of Model Rose, is a blond-haired, tall, voluptuous and fantastically sexy middle-aged woman, Annabelle’s story begins with her being revisited during her sleep by her invisible friend, a fantasy she hasn’t had since childhood. When she goes to the UK on business, she uses the opportunity to value an antique family heirloom, and finds to her horror that it’s a necklace stolen from Buckingham Palace in the 1930’s. This takes her on a journey to a mansion in the centre of Paris, the car crash which killed Princess Di and Dodi Fayed, as well as a high society sex ball in Park Avenue, London. Oh, and afternoon tea with Queen Elizabeth II.


CASSANDRA - The heroine of Model Jade. Red-haired beauty Cassie lost her father and mother in Ireland and England when she was a child, and was brought up by a loving aunt in New York. When she goes back to purchase a castle just outside Dublin for EGG’s portfolio of luxury holiday resorts, she comes face to face with the reality of her past. And it’s a past which involves the murder of Earl Louis Mountbatten, and the future assassination of the heir to the British throne.


UNDRESSED - the last novel of the EGG series, Models Undressed doesn’t have just one central character, but involves all of the girls in the most extraordinary series of plot twists and turns imaginable. It’s both the end of the series….or is it the beginning…???