



It’s time to grow up!

Aren’t you tired of living life repeating High School?
Battling with the bullies, fighting in the playground, competing with others, arguing about stupid stuff and just making too many silly mistakes?

Soul Growth is about “understanding the lessons,” sooner rather than later! Wrapping up karma before you become too damaged and understanding the self beyond the mind and the physical body. We must learn and understand why we operate or think the way we do. And unfortunately, the associated feeling which comes with growth is pain; learning the hard way, the “you don’t move on until you get it” way.

 Hence we evoke other souls to teach us our life lessons, good ones and even bad ones. This includes the narcissists, manipulators, bullies, control freaks, gaslighters, cheats... you name it - they all exist for a reason.

Of course, not all of our lessons involve an abuser, but most of us will experience this kind of lesson, and it is one of the most difficult to deal with, especially if you are an empath.

So how can we grow more quickly through difficult experiences ?

Well, it’s all about separating our emotions, not taking another’s bad karma or energy on board, growing from the connection and experience "the first time", at best the second time, but definitely not a third!  You are not here to understand or be responsible for another’s journey - only your own. Only you can feel your truth.


Imagine if we could be taught in school about our life lessons and how to communicate with our soul and understand life better….to truly know our place within the world and what is our purpose! To know why we suffer the obstacles we encounter, yet remain grounded whilst dealing with them.

In essence, growing your soul is about “the lessons our Soul has come to earth to learn.”
We are all starseeds of the cosmos and we chose to be here at this time for a higher purpose! There will be souls placed in front of you like pieces on a chess board, intent on knocking you off the board. The matrix is one big game where we learn as we go, and the quicker you learn, the better you will advance and thrive.

When we get to school the teacher teaches us lessons, which we are ordered and programmed  to learn, things we need to know, things we need to develop, and things we need to just explore. 

But in all of these lessons, there is no emphasis placed on anything to do with our souls.

Of course the classes offered are useful when we are young, like learning to add or multiply, to read and to write. Later, as we grow, comes History, Geography, Science, Literature, Languages, and more.

But now, as mental health issues are rising and more of us are suffering from depression and anxieties, surely it’s time to change things from the way they are. The school system is failing our children in many ways. It needs expanding and rejuvenating, refreshing and upgrading.

A lot of the subjects taught at school don’t help our children to understand how to truly live life, how to be emotionally sound, emotionally safe, enlightened, boundary safe, and heart and soul centred. Kids come out of school knowing facts, but do they have a knowledge which equips them for life? One of the most potent aphorisms for modern life was written by the astronomer Clifford Stoll, who said…..

Data is not information, information is not knowledge, knowledge is not understanding, understanding is not wisdom.

So here’s my little truism….it’s the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not using a tomato in a fruit salad!

Our children need other skills, like learning to love others as well as themselves, discovering their gifts to make money in a happy way, "living to work not working to live!"
Learning to communicate respectfully in the highest good, learning to make real quality friends, learning to read energies, stay grounded, and connect with their soul. This will lead to true wisdom.


We are becoming more cognizant as a society in understanding that not everyone learns the same way and at the same time. Some are more auditory, some are visual, some are kinesthetic which is wonderful, but it’s still not enough!

And it’s not just children who don't know how to grow their soul, how to truly create permanent change and not keep trying and repeating until they get the lessons.

In order to create a change in our behaviour, in the way we act and react, to truly change the way we think, the way we feel and become more who we are – Divine beings – and have the life we really want – then the more we need to learn to totally transform from the inside out.

In the school of life, we have been in a space of “if you don’t get the lesson you get punished, and you get held back until you get the lesson.”

 Or we might suffer from the syndrome of “you’re not worth it, so step aside or sit down in order for others to learn; you’re in the way, you’re useless or you’re a lost cause!”  And that creates huge imprints in ourselves of brokenness and wrongness which sadly stays with us into adulthood. Like there is something wrong with us that we need to FIX and that is unfixable.

We have been pedalling in the hamster wheel of needing to fix ourselves, sometimes for decades, and for many of us, for several lifetimes!

But that ends TODAY! Enough with repeating the cycle, the lessons, because right now it is time for you to move into a new, bright, and beautiful space where you truly live a more harmonious and authentic life. A grown-up life, and not a hang-over from your childhood.

You’re done!! You've learnt the hardest lessons! It’s time to reprogram, no more repeating the freak show!!

You get it! Turn the channel! Grab your life soul books and get up from the classroom chair!

"THE WAY YOU DO ANYTHING IS THE WAY YOU DO EVERYTHING" so do it your way!! Live life in accordance with your plan, not the way that the souls who throw you lessons think you should live it, which makes you just give up and throw in the towel.
You are way too special to allow others to walk all over you, spit on you or crap all over you!

Love & Light



