
Your hair really does

show your beliefs!

Yes, you read that correctly……"your beliefs".

If you’ve been following my blogs for a while, you may be familiar with an expression I use quite a bit, and perhaps even put it into action.

"What you think about,

You bring about"

What you believe in, manifests its way into our lives in every single thing we do, and the health of your hair is no exception.

You probably don't think about the health of your hair when we talk about manifesting, but it is imperative that we do.


Our hair sits on top of our crown chakra, and this chakra represents our growth and highest potential. It also governs interaction and communication with the universe, one's senses of inspiration and devotion, union with the higher self and the divine, and deeper understanding; simultaneously, it is responsible for a healthy spiritual life.

Your chakras are spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body
that are responsible for our emotional and physical well-being.


If our crown chakra is blocked, we cannot expect to grow glorious healthy long shiny hair, so you must do a daily Meditation focusing on cleansing and renewal.

Stress causes hair loss and hair thinning so practising deep breathing and doing things for self-love are essential.

Every part of ourselves is connected with another and we are one big beautiful bundle of light and power, how we choose to harness and channel universal energies into our being and outward is up to us. I will be writing a more in-depth blog about our health and our chakras soon.

Now that I've opened your mind a little towards understanding the first key ingredient of growing a beautiful crowning glory, I’ll let you into all my other little tricks and potions.

Run baby run, or walk, but just get moving!

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Stop blow drying, curling, and ironing your hair!
All of these things wreak havoc on your hair! Once a week if you must, other than that allow your hair to be its own beautiful self.

The benefits of exercising are not just for weight loss, or appearance. Getting enough blood flow into our scalp and roots is so important, it’s how we feed it. Running or walking also helps detoxify pollutants out of our body in the form of sweat or pooing and weeing. We must keep our system running at optimal input and output.
Exercising outdoors is even better as you are also getting some vitamin D through sunshine onto your scalp. Of course, be sensible and only do this in the early morning or late afternoon.

Embrace your natural colour, the divine gave it to you for a reason, it’s your own unique colour and it suits you. If that is way too difficult to get your head around than at least consider a natural tint or only a few highlights as opposed to a whole head of colour. If you’re going grey, then embrace it if you can; if not, then seek out natural hair dyes only.
Wrapping your wet hair in a bun and clipping it gently until its dry, then unravelling it, is the perfect way to acquire healthier looking hair. No elastic bands, or tight ponytails.

Brushing makes beautiful. Invest in a natural boar bristle brush and brush those strands from root to tip twice a day or more. Brushing your scalp’s natural oils through your hair is what helps to make it naturally shiny and healthy.


To enhance the whole growth process rub these oils into your scalp prior to brushing.

• Lavender essential oil...
• Peppermint essential oil. ...
• Rosemary essential oil. ...
• Cedarwood essential oil. ...
• Lemongrass essential oil. ...
• Thyme essential oil. ...
• Clary sage essential oil. ...
• Tea tree essential oil.

No more washing your hair away!

Over-washing your hair is a huge negative and using harsh chemical-laden shampoos and conditioners is a disaster. You must avoid parabens, sulphates, sodium, polyethylene to name a few. Stick to natural substances for your hair, not only will your hair thank you, but your whole body will.
If you use a dry shampoo, try making your own. I use a little cornflower mixed with a drop of lavender and rose. I use a large powder brush to lightly place it were I need.

Feed your hair properly.

Your hair needs zinc, omega oils, vitamins A, B, C, D, and E as well as iron and proteins.
Being in pre-menopause and menopause will also affect our hair health so what we consume plays a huge part in sustaining us through this period of life.

Quit the coffee!
Coffee is dehydrating and no good for our hair or our skin. Drink alkaline water and lots of it!!
About 15.5 cups (3.7 litres) of fluids for men in a day. About 11.5 cups (2.7 litres) of fluids a for women. Of course, you should drink more if you are exercising or you are living in hot conditions. None of us drink enough!

Cut out alcohol! Alcohol is poison. It’s very important also to limit your pharmaceutical intake where possible. Try a natural remedy instead for your headaches, bodily aches and pains. I've been a big believer in this being the reason for me keeping my long hair healthy hair into my fifties.


Trimming your hair in accordance with the Moon’s cycles is a lesser-known secret of mine. Utilising astrology and the phases of the moon can result in faster, thicker and longer growth.
The waxing moon assists in faster hair growth after a haircut: Therefore, you should cut your hair between the new and full moon if you want your hair to grow fast after a haircut.

Lastly, hair loss can also be hereditary and if that's your story then the best way to tackle that is to embrace it! Yes, there are ways to get a hair transplant if you can afford it, or drugs which I would never recommend. If you’re a man then consider just shaving it off. There’s nothing sexier than a bald head, fellas! And ladies…..there are wonderful wigs out there today to make you look fabulous!
In time we all will eventually succumb to aging and the best way to live is to age gracefully.

So there you have it, all my little secrets.
I encourage you to try them out and see what happens, you will never know if you don’t give it a go. Just remember, it takes a while to undo damage of any kind, nothing happens over night, but if you stick with it you should see some changes.

So ladies, adjust your crown and carry on like the fabulous Queen that you are.

And to the gentleman, remember this...

"Any man can be a gem with a whole head of hair, but a confident "bald man" is a diamond in the rough"

                                  Love & Light




